Consultants are Temple University students majoring in relevant disciplines such as MIS, Marketing, Graphic Arts, and Communications. We welcome all majors with relevant experience.
Digital Consultant Role
- Digitally transform a participating organization using one or more of web design, user experience design (UX), graphic, marketing, and digital platform skills.
- Each team is composed of one or two student consultants and one advisor.
- Projects are implemented by the consultants who research the technology, learn how to use and implement, and manage the process.
- Consultants are compensated and receive a certificate.
Senior Digital Consultants
Senior Digital Consultants have successfully completed three or more projects.
Digital Consultants
Digital Consultants have successfully completed one or more projects.
Are you interested in serving as a digital consultant? Opportunities available for all Temple students with web design, UX, graphic, marketing, and digital platform skills. We welcome self-starters who are willing to learn on their own. Contact for more information.