Munir MandviwallaTemple University Michael DingerTemple University Brianna AndersonTemple University 2022 The Association for Information Systems and Temple University Information Systems Job Index is the only longitudinal assessment of placement, demographics, type of jobs, acceptance, […]
Recent Reports

2019 Information Systems Job Index
Munir Mandviwalla Temple University Crystal Harold Temple University Michelle Purnama Temple University 2019 The Association for Information Systems and Temple University Information Systems Job Index is the only longitudinal assessment of placement, demographics, type of […]

The Cyber-Based View of the Firm
Despite the persistent growth of automation and digitization, there does not currently exist a strategic view of the firm that explores the integration of the organization and cyberspace.

2017 Information Systems Job Index
The AIS-Temple Fox School Information Systems Job Index is the only systematic assessment of IS placement, demographics, type of jobs, search, acceptance, geographical patterns, and knowledge level of more than 2100 information systems (IS), management information systems (MIS), and computer information systems (CIS) recent graduates from 58 universities across the nation.

Threats and Opportunities in Geographic Information Systems
This report outlines the unique opportunities, history, and threats of GIS, and how to effectively handle information security risks associated with public GIS data.

Implementing Board Oversight of Cybersecurity
This IBIT Report is a call to action for boards, urging them to think more carefully about their investment of time and attention in securing their information assets. For boards just starting out as well as those already attempting to deal with this issue, the authors detail the steps to define roles and responsibilities, influence corporate culture, develop processes, and establish partnerships.

Show Me The Way To Go Home
This IBIT report examines the growth of the “sharing economy,” its benefits, and its perceived threats to existing business models. It then focuses on an important social benefit that can come from this new service: the extent to which Uber has led to reductions in alcohol-related motor vehicle deaths.

Is Government IT Spending Worth It?
This report details how much return state governments in the U.S. can generate on IT investments that create greater efficiency. The research shows that, on average, a $1 increase in the budget of state chief information officers (CIO) leads to a $4.05 decrease in current expenses and capital depreciation.

Improving Content Strategy: What Businesses can Learn from Data Journalism
The most promising journalism start-ups of recent years focus on data journalism, the practice of finding stories in numbers and using numbers to tell stories. This report will help business leaders apply the data journalism model to content strategy and marketing campaigns.