The Information Systems Information Systems Job Index led by Temple University’s Institute for Business and Information Technology (IBIT) is the only longitudinal assessment of placement, demographics, jobs, search, acceptance, geographical patterns, and knowledge of information systems (IS), management information systems (MIS), and computer information systems (CIS) graduates. Inaugurated in 2013 and published every 2 years, each report is based on several thousand recent graduates from more than 30 universities across the United States
The 2013 AIS – Temple Fox School Information Systems Job Index
The Institute for Business and Information Technology (IBIT) at the Fox School of Business, Temple University is proud to partner with the Association for Information Systems to release the first ever Information Systems (IS) Job Index. The report is intended for high school counselors, prospective and current students, IS academics, HR professionals, hiring managers, and legislators. The 2013 report concludes that: The IS job market is healthy with high placement…